Monday, June 28, 2010

Daniel Bryan's First Indy Appearance Since WWE Release

Wrestling News World reader Aaron Moore sent the following:

I attended last night's CHIKARA show featuring Daniel Bryan's first independent event since his release. He came out to a mixture of the NXT and Final Countdown music. When he came out, tons of people threw ties into the ring. He won the match with a roll up but afterwards he got on the mic and talked about how he couldn't talk about what happened. He put over PG wrestling by saying that it's about the wrestling and even PG stuff can entertain. He was really good on the mic and seemed to by biding his time until he can get re-hired by WWE. After the event, I met with him with many other fans to get autographs with tons of people getting him to choke them with a tie for their pictures with him. He told me basically he thought he was a scapegoat and just waiting out his non-compete clause then going from there. Overall, great to see him in person. Great show

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