Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Results Of WWE Monday Night Raw 21.06.2010 / 2010.06.21 / 06.21.2010

WWE Raw Results
June 21, 2010
Report by Bill Pritchard for

No Chance In Hell hits and Vince McMahon comes out to a mixed reaction. He welcomes everyone to RAW and mentions the chaos that happened last night at Fatal 4 Way. He says only one person can be blamed for last night, and it's Bret Hart. Vince says Bret made a bad decision by firing Wade Barrett and getting rid of the NXT group. He is putting all of the blame on Bret and he says he has no other choice but to relieve Bret of his GM duties, and says him firing Bret gives him closure. Vince says there is going to be a new GM, but they prefer to be anonymous and they will announce their decisions through the laptop on the announcer's table.

Michael Cole gets an email and announces that the NXT group have officially been hired and they will address the WWE Universe later tonight. Vince goes to leave an is interrupted by Sheamus, who makes his way down to the ring. Sheamus says he is sorry because he didn't want to win the WWE title the way he did. He wanted to win the match on his own but it didn't happen, so he can't accept the title under these conditions. Sheamus holds the belt out for Vince to grab, but takes it back and says he take it anyway because it was a glorious occasion. Sheamus thanks the NXT group for taking everyone out and giving him the opportunity he needed. He says before they get carried away, he could have won the match on his own and smiles as John Cena's music hits and he wastes no time getting down to the ring.

Cena says thank you for hiring the NXT rookies because now he knows they will be there every week and he will settle his issue with them soon. He thanks Sheamus for winning, because now he gets a rematch, and he can't think of a better time than to have it tonight. Sheamus says he doesn't care what Cena wants because it won't happen, and tells Vince if he doesn't make Cena leave he will do it himself. They get in each other's faces but Cole interrupts and says he has another email from the GM. The email says that Sheamus will in fact defend his title against Cena tonight, and Vince will be the guest referee to make sure things run smoothly.

Chris Jericho comes out and says he is going to prove to Bourne and the fans in the arena that Boune is nothing more than a fluke. Jericho says if he doesn't win this match tonight he is going to walk out the door and leave WWE for good.

  • Chris Jericho def. Evan Bourne
Jericho hammers away until Bourne gets a few rollups for near falls, then Jericho bails outside when Bourne attempts a spin kick. Jericho gets back in the ring and has Bourne in a full nelson but Bourne fights out and gets another rollup off the ropes. Jericho kicks out and hits a dropkick to send Bourne under the bottom rope and out of the ring. Bourne barely makes it back in before the ten count and Jericho attempts a suplex. Bourne hits a jumping knee then goes for another pin near the corner. Jericho turns it into the Walls of Jericho, but Bourne counters out and hangs on to hit a tornado DDT for a two count. Jericho retreats to the corner and then goes up top but Bourne hits a jumping hurricanrana to get another close count. Bourne tries running off the ropes and hitting a double knee lift but Jericho rolls through it and locks in the Walls. He drags Bourne to the center of the ring, but somehow again, Bourne grabs the rope and gets out of it. Jericho looks disgusted and when he goes back to Bourne he gets kicked in the side of the head. Bourne heads to the top rope to attempt Air Bourne, but Jericho gets his knees up on the way down. Jericho quickly hits the Codebreaker to get the win.After the bell, he pulls Bourne up and talks to him like he is congratulating him, then shoves Bourne back down to the mat and leaves the ring.

Vince is in the back and he is on the phone with the GM, and says he gave the new GM complete control. Vince says he likes surprises, but he doesn't want to be the one being surprised again.

Ted DiBiase comes up to Virgil in the locker room and says he wants to apologize for last week. Ted tells Virgil his services will no longer be needed, and says he upgraded. Maryse walks in and Virgil wants to know what is going on, and what is Ted going to do for protection? Ted says he'll go to the drug store, and he has Maryse because she appreciates money, and tells him to get lost because he is fired. Virgil is pissed and gets in his face, then finally leaves as Ted and Maryse smile at each other.

Josh Mathews is backstage and introduces the Hart Dynasty for an interview. He asks the Harts what they think of Bret getting fired, and Natalya says that NXT should be in jail for what they did, not get contracts, and that they should have seen it coming. They say that the first time Bret left, both sides could have been blamed, but this time Bret did nothing wrong. Natalya says she has her debut match tonight on RAW and will dedicate it to Bret.

  • Natalya vs Tamina

Tamina kicks Natalya is the stomach and then smashes her head in the turnbuckle. She goes for a splash in the corner but Natalya moves and hits a scoop slam, but gets distracted by one of the Usos. Natalya reverses a Somoan drop attempt by Tamina into a Sharpshooter attempt, but the match gets interrupted by the NXT rookies. They make their way down to ringside and Barrett tells them that they only came out to apologize. Barrett starts telling them something but the Harts aren't hearing any of this and Tyson hits a suicide dive over the top rope and Smith follows him out, but the NXT group quickly gangs up and takes them out.

The NXT group is now in the ring and Otunga says they did what they did because of their love for WWE. He says they would do anything for their contracts and then gives the mic to Heath Slater. Slater says they have no problems with the locker room and he says they would like to single out a few people to apologize to. Justin Gabriel says they want to apologize to Bret Hart first, and they hope that he is doing OK now. He next says they apologize to the Harts, and they were only defending themselves. Darren Young says they want to apologize to John Cena, and that Cena will get his title back. Skip Sheffield says he is sorry to all of the fans, and tries to get them to yell his catchphrase, but they boo him.

Michael Tarver apologizes to his kids, because he didn't raise them like that. He says if anyone was in their position they would have done the same thing. Barrett gets the mic and says he was the only one with a job and a title shot, and they stuck together because of their loyalty. Barrett says they had fun on NXT but they agreed to help each other so they didn't have to worry about WWE messing with their careers. He says their bond will never be broken, and says his contract is reinstated on top of him getting his title shot back. He says Sheamus lucky to have the title, and if they can target Cena they can make one out of Sheamus too. Barrett says it doesn't matter who he has to beat, because he will become WWE Champion, and he won't make any apologies for that.

  • John Morrison (w Eli Cottonwood) def. Ted DiBiase (w Maryse) Zack Ryder (w/ Titus O'Neil)

Ted comes out and says he knows they had a match scheduled, but he nods at Maryse and says he has better things to do. He tells Morrison not to worry because he found him a replacement, and introduces Zack Ryder.Ryder starts by shoving Morrison and then punches him near the ropes. Morrison slides under Ryder and hits a dropkick, then tries to springboard off the ropes, but Ryder shoves him off. Ryder punches away at him in the corner and slingshots Morrison neck first into the middle rope. Ryder stays on offense and hits a jumping knee drop and then keeps Morrison on the ground in a headlock. Morrison hits a jawbreaker and a kick to the temple to fight out, and both men are down on the ground. Morrison tries kicking Ryder but he moves out of the ring, and gets powerbombed when he comes back in. Morrison hits Starship Pain and gets the pinfall, and then celebrates with his rookie.

Josh Mathews asks John Cena in the back about NXT's apology. Cena says he they made him a target and put his career and RAW in jeopardy. He says that the apology is not accepted, and says he is going to get the WWE title back. Vince comes up to Cena and says that he win have no excuses not to win tonight, and neither will Sheamus. He tells Cena that he is there to make sure the best man wins one way or the other, and tells Cena good luck tonight.

  • Eve Torres & Great Khali def. Alicia Fox & Primo

Alicia shoves Eve and then Eve responds by putting her in a side headlock. Eve clotheslines Alicia off the ropes and then dropkicks her, only to get slammed to the mat. Eve tries fighting back with right hands but Alicia kneelifts her in the hand for a two count. Eve hits an enziguiri and hits a moonsault but Primo breaks up the pin attempt. He tries to kiss Eve but she slaps him and then Khali comes in and chops him in the corner. Khali hits the Punjabi Plunge and gets the pin as Alicia Fox leaves him and retreats up the ramp, holding her stomach.

Randy Orton comes out to the ring after a commercial, and Cole says he requested this time to be out there. Orton says it's a matter of time until he punts every NXT member in the skull, and he says he accepts Barrett's apology. He tells Barrett if he becomes WWE Champion, he is staring into the eyes of the guy who will take it from him. Miz interrupts Orton and says he is sick of seeing Orton in the main event, and he is sick of seeing the Viper, period. He says Orton is accomplished, but he has never held the US and WWE titles at the same time. He tells Orton to get in line, because the next title match is his, and he has a secret to tell Orton. Miz says it's because he's the Miz, and he's... and Miz kicks Orton in the stomach! He attacks Orton but Orton gets back up and backbody drops Miz, then sets up for an RKO. Miz ducks it and gets out of the ring, and then Edge hits the ring and spears Orton. He gets a mic and tells Orton that now is when the real fun will begin, and leaves up the ramp as Orton stares back at him.

  • John Cena vs Sheamus (w/ Vince McMahon as Special Guest Referee)

Vince will actually be outside the ring more in a special enforcer type of role, and there will be a regualr referee inside. Justin Roberts does the introduction after both guys are out, in a boxing/Michael Buffer sort of way.

Sheamus kicks away at Cena in the corner, then scoop slams him and follows it with a quick elbow. Sheamus keeps after Cena and punches him in the temple and then repeats it before going for a cover. Cena kicks out and Sheamus hits a reverse neckbreaker, and then he throws Cena out of the ring. Cena fights back and charges Sheamus in the corner, but Sheamus moves and Cena goes shoulder first into the ringpost. Sheamus clotheslines Cena and drags him to the center of the ring but only gets a two count. Sheamus ties Cena up in the ropes and punches him in the chest and Cena drops to the ring apron in pain. Sheamus tries to tie him up again but Cena fights out and then both guys go down as they double clothesline each other. Cena tries the Attitude Adjustment but Sheamus turns it into a powerslam for a two count, and he looks frustrated.

Sheamus sets up for the bicycle kick and Cena gets his second wind and hits a side slam and then gets the Five Knuckle Shuffle. He tries the Attitude Adjustment again but Sheamus hits the Irish Curse and sets up for the High Cross but Cena locks in the STF out of nowhere. Sheamus crawls to the ropes and Cena is forced to break the hold. Sheamus falls outside and Cena goes after him, and Sheamus is waiting for him and throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. He tries to pin Cena, but Cena kicks out and Sheamus is in disbelief. Sheamus grabs the steps and stands them up in the entry way and throws Cena into them. He picks Cena back up and drags him to the ring and then hits the bicycle kick.

He goes towards Cena again, and then NXT hits the ring and Sheamus runs through the crowd to get away. Darren Young picks up Cena and throws him into the announce table and they all stand over him as Vince gets in the ring. He tells them to stop what they are doing and asks if Cena is still breathing, then tells them to get in the ring. Vince calls them extraordinary athletes, and says he can take part of the credit for their actions as of late. He asks for a round of applause and says the GM will reveal something next week, then pauses as the NXT guys are all staring him down. He tries laughing it off but they circle around him and he looks worried before they all attack him at once. Skip clotheslines him down and then Barrett picks Vince up and hits his finisher, followed by Gabriel hitting the 450 splash. They stand over Vince, looking at what they did, and then Barrett tells them all to leave. They listen and go to the back as a production member screams for a trainer to help Vince.

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