Monday, June 21, 2010

Results: Fatal 4 Way: Sheamus The New WWE Championship

Fatal 4 Way Match: WWE Title
-John Cena  vs. Edge vs. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus.

The long, drawn-out introductions are complete and now our WWE title match is officially underway. Everyone is battling. Sheamus and Edge are thrown to the floor. Cena and Orton turn around to see they're the only two in the ring. A long staredown happens as they slowly approach each other. Orton goes for a punch, misses and Cena hoists him up for an Attitude Adjustment. Orton escapes and tries an RKO but Cena avoids that. Sheamus and Edge filter back in and they double team Cena while Orton sells on the floor. Sheamus and Edge break the truce and now they're going at it. Edge spears him and goes for a pin but Cena breaks it up. Edge throws Cena to the floor. He goes to the top rope but Orton crotches him. Orton goes for a superplex on Edge in the corner. Edge blocks it. Sheamus climbs up and they're all 3 on the top rope. Each guy knocks the other down. Orton clotheslines both guys to the floor. Cena is making his way back into the ring now, selling big. Orton stops him half way and suplexes him in the ring. Orton does the Ronnie Garvin stomp spot on Cena now, doing his best facial acting between kicks. Orton misses a kick and hurts his leg. Sheamus enters back into the picture and clotheslines Orton. Cena is making his comeback now on Sheamus as the crowd rallies behind him. Cena with a big slam on Sheamus. Cena picks Sheamus up for the Attitude Adustment but Sheamus escapes and hits his finisher on Cena. He's slow to make a pin and Cena kicks out at two. Orton hits a double draped DDT across the middle ropes on Sheamus and Cena. Crowd dug that. Orton tries pinning Sheamus but Sheamus gets his foot on the ropes. Orton turns around and Edge blasts him with a big boot. Edge is setting up a spear now as he waits for Cena to get back up. Edge goes for the spear but Cena moves. Cena firing up on Edge now. Cena hits the 5-Knuckle Shuffle. Orton blasts Cena down and out and goes to work on Edge. Sheamus throws Orton to the floor and works on Edge some. Cena is back in now and Sheamus goes to work on him. Cena throws Sheamus to the floor. Edge spears Orton to the floor. Cena locks in a STF on Edge. Edge is fighting to get to the ropes to break it up but Cena drags him to the center and re-applies the hold. Sheamus breaks it up. Orton hits an RKO on Cena. He goes to pin him but as the ref went to count three, Sheamus pushes the ref out of the ring. Sheamus goes to work on Orton. Backstage some WWE guys are standing around a monitor watching the main event and the NXT gang attacks them all. They seem to be heading to the ring. Cena is in the ring by himself waiting to see they come. They come out the side and attack some stage crew people as they head to the ring. Cena is trying to fight them off but the numbers game gets the better. Edge is getting attacked by them all now. Back in the ring Sheamus pins Cena and the bell sounds.

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