Thursday, June 17, 2010

Results Of WWE Monday Night Raw 14.06.2010 / 2010.06.14 / 06.14.2010

WWE Raw Results
June 14, 2010
WWE Raw Opener:

Wade Barrett is welcomed to RAW with a chorus of boos as he stands alone in the ring. Barrett says he is in the ring because Bret Hart demanded he come apologize for what he and the rookies did. He calls the rest of the rookies down to the ring so they could do this the right way. Cole and Lawler get out of the area as Heath Slater says he won't apologize and he would do it again. Barrett asks each one of them to apologize and they decline. Barrett says the problem with NXT is that they were treated like animals, and soon enough they will start behave like animals. He talks about how bad the conditions are and how unfair the rules of NXT were. He goes on to say that they impressed everyone by beating the crap out of the champ, and gets interrupted by Bret Hart's music.

Bret calls them cowards and goes over who they beat up, and Barrett says Daniel Bryan showed remorse like Bret, and they will never see Bryan again. Bret says that  John Cena will make it to Fatal 4 Way, but Barrett says it's not about Cena or anyone in the WWE, it's about the WWE management. Barrett says they should get down to business and Barrett says the NXT group has some demands and Otunga says they want guaranteed contracts and perks. Barrett says Bret has an easy decision to make and should give them contracts, because they are the future. Bret says he is supposed to go find new talent, but says he won't sign any of them. Bret says they made a big mistake last week, and tells Barrett he isn't the next breakout star anymore because he is fired! He tells all of the rookies to get out of the ring before he throws them out, but they don't move as we go to a commercial.

  • Fatal Four Way United States Title Match: The Miz def. John Morrison & Zack Ryder  & R-Truth

Ryder and Miz go after Morrison and Truth and then Truth goes for a pin on Morrison that is broken up by Ryder. Ryder goes for a slingshot splash over the top rope but no one is home, then Morrison dives over the ropes and grabs Miz and powerbombs him into Ryder on the floor. Morrison cuts Ryder off on the top turnbuckle and Truth sets up for a tower of doom spot where he powerbombs Morrison who suplexes Ryder and hits Miz on the way down. Truth fights everyone off and hits Ryder with the axe kick but Miz breaks it up at two. Miz drops Truth outside and baseball slide kicks Morrison through the ropes so he cannot get back in the ring. Miz eyes up Ryder in the corner and clotheslines him, only to get pulled out of the ring by Morrison. Lots of attempts and breakups here as Ryder hits the Rough Ryder on Truth but Morrison hits him with a knee in the head and Ryder gets thrown out of the ring. Morrison wants to hit Starship Pain, but second guesses himself before going up and hitting it. Morrison goes for the pin but gets thrown out of the ring by Miz, who makes the cover and is the new United States Champion.

Backstage, Josh Mathews asks Randy Orton about his shoulder. Orton says anything can happen in the ring like what just happened in the ring, but he thinks a different title will be changing hands. He says he will show everyone how his shoulder is when he has his match with Sheamus tonight. Orton also says part of him is proud of what NXT did last week, because he might have done the same thing to get noticed, but he still thinks they are punks. He says they all deserved to get their heads bashed in, but Barrett got off lucky by only being fired.

Mark Feuerstein is with the Bellas in the back telling them about the episode with the Big Show this Thursday, and is interrupted by Ted DiBiase. He says Mark will get a car of his choice if he makes Ted co-host tonight. Mark says no way and starts mouthing out to Ted when he realizes Big Show is behind Ted and Virgil. Big Show says Ted and Virgil will take on himself and Mark in a tag match tonight. When Ted leaves, Mark says he never wrestled but was a skater and jumps into Big Show's arms and the puzzled Bella Twins look back at them. Show says maybe next time Mark should catch him to show off as we go to another commercial.

  • Evan Bourne def. Chris Jericho by DQ

Bourne hits a few drop toe holds and a dropkick to get a quick two count. Jericho hits a side suplex and then chokes Bourne on the ropes before putting him in a rear chokehold. Bourne floats over Jericho and goes for a sunset flip, but Jericho rolls through and tries for the Walls of Jericho. Bourne fights out and walks into a Codebreaker and Jericho goes for the cover. Somehow Bourne kicks out at two, and a shocked Jericho beats on Bourne until the ref calls for the bell. After he is disqualified Jericho goes after Bourne again, but Bourne kicks him in the head and hits the Air Bourne 450 splash and leaves Jericho in the ring as he heads to the back.

John Cena is selling his injuries from last week as he makes his way to the ring to discuss last week's beatdown. Cena says he has the night off and thanks Bret Hart for having his best interests in mind, and for not giving in to the NXT groups demands. Cena says they are a group of radicals and says he is used to having a target on his back. Their plan almost worked, but it didn't because they tried to take RAW away from the fans, and now they have 5 million angry enemies. Cena says he hopes they are watching because he will stand in the ring and wait for them to come finish this fight. He says they won't have to worry about being arrested after what they did, and Cena won't press charges. The NXT guys are still in the arena and come through the stands again. Cena says he isn't the target, and they have targets on their heads. The RAW locker room empties and everyone is beating on the rookies in the ring and around it. They try to make a run for it but the RAW superstars follow them and chase them through the crowd into the backstage area and out of the arena into the parking lot.

Josh Mathews catches up with Sheamus in the back and asks him why he came to Cena's aide. Sheamus says he wasn't about to let the rookies screw up his WWE Championship match, and if anyone is going to take out Cena, it's going to be him.

  • Eve Torres & Gail Kim def. Alicia Fox & Maryse

Eve tries to run the ropes but Alicia Fox holds her up, and Maryse kicks her in the back of the head. They trade tags and work on Eve and keep her near their corner. Maryse slams Eve's head into the mat and then holds her while Alicia kicks her in the midsection and runs her back into their corner. Alicia goes to kick Eve, but misses and knocks Maryse off the apron. Eve hits a neckbreaker on Alicia and gets the win as Maryse does not look happy sitting on the floor. Gail hands Eve her belt and raises her hand and watches Maryse and Alicia go back up the ramp.

  • Big Show  Mark Feuerstein def. Ted DiBiase & Virgil

Ted tries to bear hug Show but he stops him and punches Ted into the corner. Show slaps him in the chest, and then whips him into the opposite corner but Ted pokes him in the eyes and tags in Virgil. Show picks Virgil up by the head and throws him over the top rope and Virgil rolls out of the ring. He tries leaving but Mark grabs him and throws him back in the ring. Show rips his shirt and then chops him in the corner, and follows it with a chokeslam and smiles at DiBiase. Show tags in Mark and he does the Worm and hits a big windup elbow drop and gets the pin on Virgil as Ted stands on from the apron looking unamused.

After Show and Mark leave, Ted grabs the Million Dollar Championship and goes to leave, but turns back to Virgil. He looks at him on the mat and says this is for my old man, and shoves a wad of money in Virgil's mouth. He goes to leave again, but takes the money back out of Virgil's mouth and keeps it as he leaves alone.

  • Santino Marella def William Regal (w/ Vladimir Kozlov as Special Guest Referee)

Santino practices kicks on Regal, but Regal looks fed up and clotheslines Santino. Regal puts Santino in an armbar and Santino fights out and gets to his feet. He floats over Regal and hits a sunset flip and holds the tights and Kozlov fast counts to three to give Santino the win.

After the match Regal argues with Kozlov about what just happened and says Santino pulled the tights. They argue a little longer until Bret Hart's music plays and he asks the three guys in the ring to come join him on the stage. He says he wont make a mistake and let history repeat itself and asked the whole roster to come out. Regal, Santino and Kozlov all walk up to him, with Regal still yelling at Kozlov and then they are joined by the rest of the RAW roster. Everybody is lined up on the stage so the NXT rookies don't attack again like they did last week.

When we get back from commercial, the main event participants make their entrances and walk in between the Superstars standing on the stage. Sheamus and Edge come out, followed by Randy Orton and then John Cena. Cena salutes Mark Henry and Khali, and then turns and salutes everyone else as he makes his way down to the ring.

  • Sheamus & Edge vs Randy Orton & John Cena

Cena and Sheamus start out and Cena puts Sheamus in a rear facelock until Sheamus gets to the ropes to break it. Orton tags in and puts Sheamus in a side headlock until Sheamus gets out and kicks away at him in the corner. Edge tags in and Orton hits his stepover backbreaker and then sets up for an RKO. He jumps up for his but Edge shoves him away and rolls out of the ring as we go to our final commercial break.

When we get back Cena is the legal man and suplexes Edge for a two count. Cena hits a clothesline and then punches Edge in the ribs. Edge drops Cena's neck on the ropes and tags in Sheamus, who hits Cena in the jaw with a running knee lift. Edge and Sheamus make quick tags and keep Cena in their corner and Edge headbutts Cena as he tries to get up. Cena drops Edge with a suplex and both men crawl to their corners. Sheamus tags in and cuts Cena off from tagging in Orton and he punches Cena on the ring apron. Sheamus goes out after Cena and rams him into the barricade before bringing him back inside. Sheamus lines up Cena and hits a lariat but Cena kicks out and Sheamus goes to work on Cena's left arm. Cena tries fighting out but Sheamus locks in a rear choke and grapevines his legs so Cena is grounded. Cena stands up with Sheamus still hanging on, and he almost gets to Orton but drops to the mat.

Edge tags back in and gets out of Attitude Adjustment and sets up for the Spear, but Cena sidesteps it and Edge goes headfirst into the turnbuckle. Orton finally gets the tag and he hits the DDT on the ropes on Sheamus then sets up for the RKO. He turns and hits it on Edge instead, and when he gets back up Sheamus knocks him down with a clothesline. Sheamus hits the Irish Curse but Orton gets the shoulder up at the two count, and Sheamus goes to work on the shoulder. Edge comes back in but he is still dazed from running into the turnbuckle and is stumbling a bit in the ring. Orton tries to fight back and elbows Sheamus but Edge keeps him grounded. Orton comes off the ropes with a clothesline and tags in Cena who hits a big shoulder block on Edge and... then cameras go to the back and the NXT Radicals have returned to the arena!

They are making their way backstage, destroying everything in front of them as the arena goes dark and everyone inside is watching on the Titantron. They have attacked Bret Hart and are dragging him towards a limo and they are screaming they want their contracts. They throw Bret into the back of the limo and slam the door on him while still screaming at him. The driver of the limo puts it in reverse and clips the side of a car, and then backs into another one at a high speed. The driver hits a few more cars before stopping, and the rookies are screaming that they want their contracts now. The driver pulls forward and then slams the car into the side of another car at full speed and finally stops. They pull Bret out of the car and Barrett is screaming at Bret, who is laying on the ground, and he tells him he wants their contracts or an answer by Sunday. They leave and Bret is barely moving, holding his arm as RAW goes off the air.

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