Wednesday, June 9, 2010

NXT Stars Top WWE's A-Team


A series of 'comedy' skits with the cast of the A Team movie, including UFC fighter Quinton Jackson, did nothing to help this debacle of a television production.A main event of John Cena v CM Punk looked at least like saving the show to a degree.It ended up doing this and more, but in a way no-one could have anticipated.

As Cena took over, setting up for his finishing move, NXT winner Wade Barrett headed to the ring.Barrett had already appeared in a backstage interview earlier in the evening, stating that within a week he'd do something that had never been done before.Cena was distracted by the big Englishman, but before he could get back to his match, Barrett was joined by the remaining seven NXT Rookies, who surrounded the ring.

They jumped CM Punk and his cohorts in the Straight Edge society, and headed for Cena.After a short 8-on-1 beat-down, they proceeded to annihilate the ringside area, assaulting Matt Striker, Jerry Lawler, announcer Justin Roberts and even timekeeper Mark Yeaton.Chairs were thrown, ring ropes busted and the set torn apart.The octet, all sporting gang-like armbands with 'N' printed on them, went back to mauling Cena hitting a series of big moves on the champ.Daniel Bryan spat on Cena and screamed "You're not better than me." Even CM Punk got back in the ring to aid John, but was quickly subdued.It was a terrific conclusion to the show.It felt real, unique and was perhaps the most innovative thing that has happened in wrestling this year.It had echoes of the amazing moment when Paul Heyman gathered together ECW wrestlers, just before the Invasion angle of 2001 went sour. It even had a similarity to the days when the nWo used to run riot in WCW.Admittedly, WWE has a habit of offering up a really good angle only to have little to no follow up.If they buck this trend and have thought this through, we could be in for an exciting show next week.There are already a myriad of theories as to where this could go.Interestingly, Michael Cole was spared a beating from the NXT boys, and disappeared during the scene. Could he be the mastermind behind this? Perhaps JR organised it, as a revenge act. Maybe Chris Jericho, bitter at losing so often just lately, arranged for his rookie Barrett to have some back up.Or could it even be Bret Hart who is responsible, attempting to infect Vince McMahon's company from within? For now, let's enjoy the buzz this creates and the speculation that naturally occurs after a major angle such as this.Let's put to the backs of our minds the awful Santino/Koslov 'Dance off', the substandard match quality and the terrible comedy which made fools of not only the A Team crew and Ted DiBiase, but also legends Dusty Rhodes, IRS and Roddy Piper, who made surprise appearances.

We could even temporarily shelve the worry that viewers would twice vote to NOT see Champion v Champion matches, which is an indication that booking has gone awry somewhere.Instead, let's celebrate a really strong close to a show, which offers up a major talking point.
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