Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Christopher Nowinski Responds To Linda McMahon's Comments On Lance Cade | His Credibility Being Questioned

The Hill has a new article online featuring quotes from Christopher Nowinski where he discusses Linda McMahon's comments about the death of Lance Cade, his credibility being questioned and more. Below are the highlights:

  • Linda McMahon's comments on Lance Cade:
"When someone would disrespect a deceased former employee, when she's seeking [a Senate seat], as a patriot you have to say something," Nowinski said. "You want to make sure good people are in those jobs."

  • WWE questioning his credibility: 
"The point I was making was that they reward people who take steroids," Nowinski said, adding that performers who do get "top billing."

  • Says he can't prove Lance Cade took steroids:
"I can never prove I had that conversation with Lance because Lance died when he was 29 years old... They want to call me a liar -- the person who can confirm it is dead after he worked for them for [almost a decade]."
Source: Thehill.com

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