Monday, August 16, 2010

Results Of WWE NXT S02 - 10.08.2010 / 2010.08.10 / 08.10.2010

WWE NXT Results - August 10, 2010

The show opens with a pre-tape from "earlier today" featuring Michael Cole and Josh Mathews with Matt Striker showing the new "power punch" Rookie challenge at the top of the ramp. Cole registers a punch at 728. Mathews registers a 886. Striker tells them, just like tonight someone is going to be eliminated and tells Cole "sorry". Cole had a ridiculous get-up on, wearing a headband, sunglasses and the new Miz shirt. He also had powder on his hands and threw it up in the air like LeBron James does before games.

Cue the "Wild & Young" theme and entrance of the Season 2 NXT Rookies. We're live from the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California.

Ashley Valence welcomes the Pros and remaining Rookies. Out first are Kofi Kingston and Michael McGillicutty. Zack Ryder comes out alone because Titus O'Neil was eliminated. WWE Women's Champions LayCool come out with Kaval. John Morrison is out solo as Eli Cottonwood was eliminated. MVP and Percy Watson. Lucky Cannon comes out alone followed by Cody Rhodes and Husky Harris. The Miz and Alex Riley are the last ones out.

Striker says Mark Henry couldn't be here tonight because of "injuries" suffered last night at the hands of The Nexus. Striker announces there will be a new Poll tonight including the vote from the fans. Striker says the Season 2 finale will be in three weeks and the winner earns a championship match live on pay-per-view. Tonight is a different story - one will be eliminated and they must do everything in their power to impress not only the Pros but the fans of the WWE Universe.

Rookie Challenge
- Power Punch

Time for the Rookie challenge, the "Power Punch". Whoever wins gets a solo appearance live on Raw. Striker calls Harris first. He hits and registers a 863.

Kaval is disqualified for kicking the machine.

Percy Watson smacks the bag and registers a 716.

Lucky Cannon registers a 744.

Husky Harris registers a 380. Harris wants a "redo" but Striker tells him no.

Alex Riley registers a punch over 880 and wins the challenge. Riley talks himself up, saying while his Pro may be a reality show TV star, he's a star in reality. Riley gets an individual appearance on Raw next week.

Cole and Mathews discuss what we just saw and ask the question, who will be eliminated?

- Commercial Break -

During the break, The Miz confronts John Morrison telling him they're one man short of going into the biggest fight of the summer. Miz said John Cena and Bret Hart begged him to join them and that Team WWE needs him. The Miz wants to hear Morrison tell him he wants him to join Team WWE. Morrison says, no I won't ask you. But if you're so sure, why don't we have a match tonight so I can show you why we don't need you? The Miz says, fine - have it your way.

6-Man Tag Team Match
- Kaval, Percy Watson & Lucky Cannon vs. Michael McGillicutty, Alex Riley & Husky Harris

The start:

Husky and Lucky start it off with Lucky getting a quick cover for a one count.

Mid-match notes:

Kaval tags himself in and works over Harris then tags in Percy Watson. Watson works over Husky Harris in the center of the ring, picks him up and drops him to the mat. Watson puts him in an arm lock on the mat. Harris gets back to his feet, sends Watson off the ropes and lands on him. Harris tags in Alex Riley. Riley works over Watson with an arm submission hold. Watson counters, whips him off the ropes, then kicks him over the top to the outside in an awkward sequence.

Riley, after gathering himself, gets back in the ring. Side headlock takeover by Riley on Watson. Riley alters the headlock and wrenches back on the mat. Watson gets to his feet and battles out. Hip tosses in a counter by Watson after Riley goes off the ropes, trying to counter.

Lucky Cannon tags in and goes back on the offensive, using a fireman's carry takedown into an arm bar on his opponent. We cut to a shot of the Pros on the stage as Riley fights back. Riley goes off the ropes but runs into a big boot by Lucky. Lucky gets a quick cover for a one count.

Riley goes to the outside and gets heat from the crowd. Riley and team regroup on the outside as Cannon connects on a suicide dive out of the ring onto Alex Riley.

- Commercial Break -

Back from the break, Riley turned things around and Husky Harris is in the ring with Cannon. Harris is in control of the match, delivering a double axe handle on his opponent before tagging Alex Riley back into the match. Riley hooks Harris' leg and gets a two count. Riley knocks Watson off the apron before tagging in McGillicutty. McGillicutty works over Lucky in the ring. He applies a sleeper in the middle of the mat.

Cannon uses the crowd to get back into the match. McGillicutty whips him into the corner but Lucky counters and hits a clothesline. Kaval wants the hot tag from Cannon. It's made! Kaval looks great with his martial arts kicks on McGillicutty. Kaval takes Riley off the apron wildly then applies a submission maneuver on McGillicutty. Harris makes the save. The match breaks down with everyone getting involved.

The finish:

It's back to McGillicutty and Kaval in the ring. Percy Watson is the only person left on the apron. Kaval to the top rope with McGillicutty down, he connects with the double foot stomp and gets the pinfall.

Winners - Kaval, Percy Watson & Lucky Cannon

Richard Reacts: Kaval was excellent but a lot of the work, especially early on from Husky Harris and Lucky Cannon, left a lot to be desired.

Matt Striker, on the stage with the Pros, says the Rookies certainly made their case. Striker says we'll find out whose eliminated in the upcoming poll. John Morrison vs. The Miz is announced for later tonight as we cut to break.

- Commercial Break -

We're shown a recap of the many attacks orchestrated by The Nexus followed by John Cena setting up Team WWE. The video package highlights the rocky road of Team WWE from internal dissension to The Nexus taking out members. The lengthy package finally concludes with the ending segment of last night's edition of Raw.

Back to Cole and Mathews, Cole says Team WWE finally showed stability. Mathews says The Great Khali is unlikely to compete at SummerSlam. They run down the SummerSlam lineup for this Sunday.

Non-title Pro vs. Pro Singles Match
- WWE United States Champion The Miz vs. John Morrison

The start:

The bell rings and the match is underway. The Miz and Morrison lockup as Miz applies a side headlock, off the ropes Miz connects with a shoulder block. They lockup again as Morrison connects a belly-to-back suplex. Miz backs Morrison into the corner and delivers an elbow to his face.

Mid-match notes:

Morrison counters and hits a dropkick, sending The Miz to the mat. Morrison connects on more offense to get the first cover of the match. The Miz counters and Morrison sells his arm. Miz bounces Morrison's head off the top turnbuckle cover. The Miz runs at Morrison in the corner but is hung out to dry when Morrison moves. Morrison backslides Miz down for a two count. The Miz retreats to the outside but Morrison follows with a corkscrew dive.

- Commercial Break -

Back in the ring, The Miz has Morrison in a sleeper. We're shown a recap of what happened before the commercial. Morrison battles out of the hold with right punches. The Miz fires back with a right hand of his own followed by a kick. The Miz works Morrison over in the ropes then lands on his shoulders. The Miz covers his former partner for a two count.

The Miz sizes Morrison up as he staggers in the corner. He runs at him and connects with a splash. Heat from the crowd on The Miz as he gets another two count on Morrison. Miz follows up his attack with elbows and stomps. He walks over Morrison's chest and gets a lot of heat from the crowd.

The Miz applies a sleeper hold on Morrison. The referee checks for submission. Morrison is on his knees and finally battles back with elbows to break the hold. Miz counters and whips him off the ropes. Morrison rolls through and gets a two count. Morrison punches The Miz then kicks him. The Miz eats a clothesline in a counter from Morrison. Spinebuster from Morrison. Morrison goes off the middle rope with a kick to the side of The Miz's head. Miz kicks out at two when Morrison covers him.

Morrison goes off the ropes but walks right into a boot from The Miz. Miz gets a two count. The Miz kicks Morison in his midsection and stomps him onto the apron. The referee breaks it up and The Miz tries to knock him off. Morrison counters with two kicks, sending The Miz to the mat.

The finish:

Morrison goes for Starship pain but misses and hurts his ankle. Morrison, favoring his ankle, is caught in the Skull Crushing Finale from The Miz followed by a three count for the victory.

Winner - The Miz

Richard Reacts: John Morrison flat out WORKED! Wow, that was a great TV bout and I give props to both, however, Morrison found another level and carried that bout.

- Commercial Break -

Matt Striker says the WWE Universe as well as the WWE Pros have basically decided which Rookies do not belong. Striker asks each Rookie who they think should be eliminated. Michael McGillicutty says Lucky Cannon should be eliminated. Kaval says Lucky should be eliminated because he hasn't made an impact. Percy Watson says it's hard to pick one so he can't really answer that question. When Striker tells him he must answer, he finally says Mr. Alex Riley because he talks too much. Lucky Cannon says anyone standing here but himself should be eliminated. Cannon says he wants it more than anyone. Husky Harris says Lucky Cannon should go home because he hasn't even won a match. Alex Riley tells Striker he should go home because he's tired of his stupid questions. He says McGillicutty should be eliminated and he's going to win the competition in three weeks.

The NXT Poll

1) Kaval
2) Michael McGillicutty
3) Percy Watson
4) Husky Harris
5) Alex Riley
6) Lucky Cannon

Striker has Riley and Cannon step forward for the results of who is fifth and sixth (which is dumb considering Riley won an appearance on Raw next week). Riley survives and Lucky Cannon is eliminated. Striker asks him for his thoughts on the #1 Rookie Kaval and wants his parting words to the WWE Universe. Cannon says his thoughts on Kaval are it is what it is. He says as for his parting words, he's not going to flip out like everyone thinks he is. Cannon asks if everyone has been enjoying NXT as much as he has. Cannon runs down every NXT Rookie on the show with insults. He thanks everyone before handing the mic back to Striker. He attempts handshakes to the other Rookies and gets one from everyone except Husky Harris.

Striker asks Riley if there is something about his style or attitude that is disconnecting with the WWE Universe. He asks him if so, what is he going to do before it's too late? Riley says he will not change anything for anyone and he's still trying to figure out how he went from #3 to fifth after kissing Margarita and he felt like he gave that one h--- of an effort. He puts over his appearance on Raw on Monday.

Striker says don't get too comfortable because next week on NXT there will be a double elimination. Striker says they'll be one step closer when WWE NXT continues next week. Worldwide voting opens tomorrow at Noon Eastern on the official WWE website.

LayCool hold a "property of" shirt over Kaval as we cut to shots of Cannon being eliminated before the show goes off the air. 

Report by: Richard Gray of

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