Monday, August 16, 2010

Results Of WWE Monday Night Raw 09.08.2010 / 2010.08.09 / 08.09.2010

WWE RAW Opener:

WWE Former Bret Hart starts off tonight's show, and he says he has been training like a lunatic for WWE Summerslam, but he is dissapointed to see everything falling apart like it is. He says he told Cena he could vouch for Edge and Chris Jericho because they would see the big picture, but they proved him wrong, and he asks both of them to come out to the ring now to straighten this out. Jericho starts running his mouth, but Bret says he came to give him a chance to step up and change things, and he is hurting himself, not Team WWE. Bret tells Jericho that Nexus and the WWE RAW locker room wants nothing to do with him, and he'll be like a man without a country. He tells Jericho to do the honorable thing, and Bret asks him to rejoin the team right now, and this is his chance to do the right thing.
Jericho says his answer is still no, and he tells Bret he is a phony just like all of the fans. He says Bret is worried about getting beat up by himself and Edge tonight, and he says Bret knows they can't beat Nexus without them on the team. Jericho tells him once again, Bret Hart is screwed in the WWE once again, and the only thing he cares about is taking Bret and Cena apart tonight.

Edge's music starts to play and he makes his way out to the ring. He asks Jericho what is wrong with him, and says they idolized Bret and he is the reason they got into wrestling. He says he doesn't know about Jericho, but Bret can count him in. Edge shakes his hand then tries to kick Bret, but he catches Edge's foot and tries to apply the Sharpshooter. Jericho pokes Bret in the eye and they retreat up the ramp. Natalya runs out to the ring and is crying to Bret, and we go backstage to see Nexus beating up the Hart Dynasty. Wade Barrett looks up, and says he thinks Bret forgot about the Dynasty being his replacements. Bret and Natalya run backstage to check on them as we go to the first commerical break.

When they reach the Harts, they are being checked out by medical staff, and Bret says he is going to take things into his own hands. John Cena walks in and tells him this is what they want, and they will try and pick them off one by one. He tells Bret to stay with his family, and he is going to talk to the Great Khali.

  • The Miz def. Evan Bourne

Bourne kicks Miz in the legs but Miz knocks him down and hits him with forearm shots then chokes Bourne on the ropes. He flips Bourne over and puts him in a headlock, and avoids a Bourne kick by taking his legs out, and hits a running clothesline in the corner before going back to work on the mat. Bourne tries to fight out and knees Miz in the head, then kicks him into the corner and hits a crazy looking springboard hurricanrana for a two count. (I don't recall ever seeing that on US TV, but it was great) Miz regains control with a clothesline, and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Bourne to get the pin.

After the bell, Miz grabs a mic and says he doesn't care who the champion is Sunday, because he is cashing in and winning the title, because he's the Miz, and he's AWESOME.

  • Melina def. Alicia Fox

Alicia picks Melina up and slams her in the corner, then throws her by the hair to the mat. Melina fights back with some right hands, and she Matrix move avoids Alicia and hits her until Alicia bails outside. The ref backs Melina off, then she gets hit with a hard clothesline when she goes outside. Alicia picks her up and slams her by the hair, then hits a spinning backbreaker then applies a rear chinlock. Alicia picks Melina up and holds her in a Widow's Peak-like position, but somehow Melina fights her off and hits the Last Call Sunset Bomb to get the win.

Josh Mathews is backstage with The Great Khali and he says eventhough he doesn't have Ranjin to translate, he would like to see if Khali has an answer to which team he is on. Khali simply says "WWE" and starts saying something in Indian/Punjabi. Josh asks if it is possible for him to say it in English, and he says he wants a match with Barrett tonight.

Edge and Jericho are backstage and Edge is complaining about Bret, and Jericho says Bret might have said something that made sense. He says they may have bitten off more than they can handle, but they won't go back and beg Cena. He says if Nexus wins, they will be ostracized from WWE RAW. Edge says they have outlasted all of the big names in wrestling over the past ten years, and they should take out Cena and Bret tonight. Jericho agrees, and says without them, there will be no match at Summerslam, and that will keep them in the clear.

Elsewhere, John Morrison is talking with R-Truth and Morrison says they need to hold up their end, and he has Truth's back. Truth says they got this, and says they need to get the replacements. WWE star Mark Henry comes up, and says he has replacements, but he only needs one. He walks away and says to consider his match his audition.

Nexus is seen watching from the locker room and Barrett gives a nod to them, and the remaining six leave the locker room and look to be going after another victim...

  • Ted DiBiase (w/ Maryse) vs Mark Henry:No Contest

Nexus comes through the crowd and surrounds Mark Henry while he makes his way to the ring. They attack and slam Henry into the ring steps, and quickly leave through the crowd as the ref calls for help for Henry. Medical staff comes out to check on him as we see a replay of the attack.

WWE star Sheamus is shown walking to the ring and Lawler says he is coming to the ring to call out his challenger, Randy Orton!

Sheamus comes out and says everyone thinks he was scared of WWE star Randy Orton, but he was scared of what he might have done to Orton. He says he has been hurting people since he came into the WWE, and if anyone thinks Orton will beat him, he advises them to watch the following video package closely. After the video is over, Sheamus asks the fans who thinks he is afraid of Orton now, and he says the footage proves he isn't. Sheamus calls out Orton to talk to him face to face, and Orton makes his way out.

Sheamus says he is surprised he came out, and Orton says he has something to tell him. Orton says he thinks Sheamus is full of it, and he could have proven he was serious about taking him out, and he will blow it at Summerslam too. He says the fact is still the same, and Sheamus has never beaten him, and he isn't Cena or Triple H, and Sheamus says yes, but you aren't the WWE Champion either. Sheamus tells him as long as he is champion, Orton won't get another shot at him. Orton says he will beat Sheamus Sunday, and if he wants to redeem himself, Sheamus should do something about it now.

Michael Cole interrupts with an email, and he says Sheamus' past title matches have had interference, so if anyone does get involved this time, they will be suspended indefinitely. The GM agrees with Sheamus, and says if Orton doesn't win this Sunday, he will go to the back of the line in the title picture, but he also agrees with Orton, and suggests Sheamus do something to prove he isn't scared.

Sheamus fakes a punch to Orton, then goes to leave but Orton attacks him. Sheamus rebounds and hits an axe handle smash, then sets up for a Brogue kick, but misses. Orton ducks it, and hits an inverted backbreaker, then sets up for a punt kick. He stops right before he connects, and Sheamus looks on scared in the corner. Orton picks up the WWE Title and drops it on Sheamus as he smiles and leaves the arena.

  • WWE NXT Rookies Tag Match
  • Michael McGillicutty, Alex Riley & def. Husky Harris Kaval, Percy Watson & Lucky Cannon

Watson hits a flying elbow on McGilliculty for a two count, then McGillicutty hits a dropkick and tags in Riley. Riley kicks Watson in the corner and then twists on his neck until Watson fights back with a dropkick. He tags in Kaval who kicks away at Riley, then chokes him over the ropes and hits a springboard kick until the pin is broken up. Lucky goes after McGillicutty and then Harris blindtags into the match and clotheslines Kaval from behind. He hits a senton splash on Kaval and gets the pin for his team.

After the bell Sheamus attacks McGillicutty and Cannon at ringside, then hits the High Cross on Kaval in the ring. He grabs a microphone and says that was a message to the General Manager, the fans and Randy Orton. Sheamus guarantees that this time next week he will still be WWE Champion.

  • R-Truth & John Morrison def. William Regal & Zack Ryder

Ryder distracts Truth and Regal punches him in the corner and gets the quick tag to Ryder. He drags Truth in the middle and hits a snapmare and dropkick to the back of the head, then puts Truth in a headlock. Truth fights back, and Ryder throws him in the corner, but he ducks a running knee and Truth gets the tag to Morrison. He hits a jump kick and then a backflip Uranage slam but it is broken up by Regal, then Truth takes him out, and Morrison hits the Flash Kick on Ryder. Morrison goes to the top rope and hits Starship Pain, and this one is over.
  • Divas Triple Threat Summertime Spectacular
  • The Bella Twins (w/ Santino &a Kozlov as Special Guest Referees) def. Maryse  Jillian vs Eve & Gail Kim

The girls will have a wrestling match but they are all wearing bathing suits. They all make their entrance by going down a giant inflatable slide. Eve and Maryse start and they are pulling each other's hair until Maryse hits a forearm shot and a Brie tags in. Jillian chokes Brie with a towel and then she whips Brie by the hair, but she is able to flip Jillian over and tags Nikki who dropkicks and hurricanranas Jillian.

There are a lot of different spots going on now as all of the girls are in the ring as Eve breaks up the pin and hits a neckbreaker on Nikki. Gail traps Maryse in an inner tube and hits Eat Defeat but Jillian kicks Eve out of the ring and then dumps Gail on her. Back in the ring Brie hits a dropkick then Nikki hits a crossbody on Jillian and gets the win and they celebrate with Santino.

Tamina comes out and gets in Santino's way, and she won't let him leave. She finally moves out of his way, then slaps him on the butt and looks him over as he gets out of the ring. Santino then acts like he likes it and he brags about it to Kozlov on the way up the ramp.

Khali is making his way out to the ring to face Wade Barrett, but Nexus attacks him from behind and takes out his knee. They beat on him some more and then leave as a referee runs over to check on Khali, and calls for help as we go to another break.

Nexus comes out to the ring and Wade Barrett says he was just informed that his match has now been cancelled. He says this Sunday, a new chapter in the WWE will be written by Nexus, and the balance of power is going to shift. He says they will defeat Team WWE and they will achieve more than anyone could ever imagine. Skip says RAW has become their show, and Bret Hart will join Mr. McMahon and Ricky Steamboat as their victims, and you will never see him again. He adresses Truth, Morrison and Cena, and says they will damage them both physically and mentally. Otunga says if anybody is thinking about joining Team WWE, they should think about what happened to the Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry and Great Khali tonight.

Miz walks up to Cena and Bret Hart in the back and says he was waiting for them to come looking for him. He wants to Bret and Cena to ask him to join RAW, and he wants to hear it from both of them. Miz gloats and says times have changed and he can't believe Cena asked him for help. He tells them that he will give them an answer on Sunday and walk away as Cena says they might actually need him.
  • Tag Team Lumberjack Match
  • Edge & Chris Jericho vs John Cena & Bret Hart (w/ Nexus as Lumberjacks)

Cena starts against Edge and Edge kicks Cena in the corner until Cena fights back and hits a bulldog. Edge dumps Cena outside and Nexus beat him up a bit before throwing him back inside. Jericho tags in and throws Cena right back outside and then does it a second time. Jericho starts showboating a bit and Cena counters and throws Jericho outside. Nexus surrounds him but doesn't attack and they allow him to get back in the ring. Cena tries an Attitude Adjustment but Jericho tries to counter into the Walls of Jericho but Cena flips out of it and lands outside the ring. Cena fights Nexus off and gets back in the ring and Jericho tries to punch him but winds up hitting Barrett instead. Jericho ends up at ringside and Nexus attacks him, and while Edge gets involved Bret Hart pulls Justin Gabriel in the ring and knocks him down with a right hand. Nexus drags him out of the ring and they regroup outside as Cena and Bret dare them to get in.

John Morrison and Truth run out and Nexus gets on the apron, and then they face off in the ring while Edge and Jericho watch from the ramp. They hesistate for a little while then run back to the ring and they are back with Team WWE. Everyone starts brawling with each other and Team WWE gets the upper hand as Barrett and the rest of Nexus takes off through the crowd.

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