Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Preview : WWE Raw 08/16/2010 | Results Of WWE Monday Night Raw 16.08.2010 / 2010.08.16 / 08.16.2010

August 16, 2010
Source: Wrestlezone.com

WWE RAW Opener:

Nexus is out to open the show and they march right to the ring and Wade Barrett has a microphone. He says what doesn't kill us, will only make us stronger, and Team WWE barely won, because Nexus managed to beat six of the best WWE RAW has. Barrett says everyone was so many people were concerned with Nexus winning, that they didn't think of what would happen if they lost. He says their will be more pain, suffering and misery for anyone who gets in their way, and from now on... he gets cut off by John Cena.
Cena is laughing at the top of the stage and he says he is impressed, because Barrett talks such a big game, but he is as tough as Snooki from the Jersey Shore. He says it's because Barrett tapped out that Nexus lost, and that they should be kicking themselves for getting rid of Daniel Bryan. Nexus can be beaten, and Cena says Barrett should pay attention, because he says he will look at them as individuals. Cena mocks each one of them about their looks (says Slater looks like the Wendy's girl, and Young looks like Cena's mom had a lusty affair with Buckwheat, among other comments, this is probably the funniest Cena has been in a long time.) and then gets back to Barrett and says they lost, and Darren Young should be called The Weakest Link since he tapped out in under a minute.

Michael Cole interrupts with a GM email and it says Nexus' strength will be tested when each member will face a Team WWE RAW member, and outside interference will be met with swift consequences. Wade Barrett says it's not a punishment, it's a way to examine Nexus, and see if there really is a weak link in the group. Barrett says if any of them lose, they will be kicked out of the group, and Otunga says that is fine, but reminds him it could happen to himself as well.

Cole interrupts with another email, and it says one last thing, Nexus can choose which  WWE RAW members they face, except Barrett. Barrett will go one on one with his mentor Chris Jericho, and that match will be up next.

  • Wade Barrett def. Chris Jericho

Jericho elbows Barrett and hits a shoulder block off the ropes and follows with a suplex. Barrett fights back with knees but Jericho hits a dropkick then follows with a springboard dropkick to the outside then kicks Barrett on the floor. Jericho tries going up top but he gets cut off, and Barrett kicks him off the top and throws him back first into the apron. He whips Jericho into the corner and chokes him on the ropes, then runs into a boot and dropkick by Jericho.

The two trade punches until Jericho hits consecutive shoulder blocks and a bulldog, then attempts the Walls but Barrett rolls out. Jericho gets the hold back on but Barrett gets to the ropes, and hits Jericho with a big boot for a near fall. Jericho counters and hits an enziguiri, then goes for the Codebreaker, but Barrett holds him up and turns it into The Wasteland, and Barrett slams him down for the win.

The guys from the new movie "Going The Distance" (Justin Long, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis) come out and they say being here reminds them of the NBA Champions, and they are getting cheap heat talking about the Heat and Celtics. Long finally mentions the Lakers and the fans cheer (Please do something with Green Man, please. Hit Hornswoggle or someone with a volleyball I will MTFO.) then they introduce the Hart Dynasty and then we get another email...

It says the Unified Tag Team Titles will now be known as the WWE Tag Team Titles, and Bret Hart is here to come out and present them with the new belts. The Harts celebrate with Bret and the belts, then Nexus interrupts on the Titantron and says Bret will face Justin Gabriel tonight.

  • Michael Tarver def. Daniel Bryan

Tarver powers Bryan into the corner then hits him with shots to the ribs, but Bryan explodes out of the corner and hits a dropkick. He works on Tarver's arm and then kicks him in the chest repeatedly, and goes up top and hits a big missile dropkick.The Miz and Alex Riley run out during the match and Bryan tells him to get in the ring, but Tarver uses the chance to roll Bryan up and steal the win.

After the match Bryan hits a suicide dive on Miz and Riley on the outside, but Miz eventually gets the upperhand with help from Riley and Tarver, and he hits the Skull Crushing Finale on the briefcase. Miz finally leaves and backs up the ramp with Riley as trainers check on Bryan.

Josh Mathews tries to get a word with Miz backstage about what he just did, and he says ever since Bryan came on the scene, everyone has been saying Bryan is special and he is better than Miz. Miz says shame on everyone, and the next breakout star is Alex Riley. Riley says Bryan is boring and he appreciates Miz, and he will be the winner of WWE NXT 2, while Bryan is lucky to have a job.

Nexus is shown talking in their locker room and Darren Young makes the announcement that he will face John Cena. He says Cena brutally attacked him last month and he will take Cena out tonight. Otunga says he respects Young steeping up and they all stand behind him in his decision and try to psych him up.

Justin Gabriel vs Bret Hart is scheduled to be next but before the match starts Cole gets another email and this one says Bret Hart won't be competing tonight, because the GM doesn't like Bret, he won't compete on RAW tonight and he doesn't care what the audience thinks. Gabriel's new opponent is on his way to the ring and it is... Randy Orton!

  • Randy Orton def. Justin Gabriel ,by Countout

Gabriel shoves Orton and works him back into the corner and then they stand off before Gabriel floats over Orton and kicks him in the legs. Orton kicks him in the stomach and clotheslines him then hits a powerslam and Orton is getting fired up now. He hits the DDT on the ropes, then starts pounding the mat to set up the RKO, but Sheamus makes his way to the ring. Orton gets out of the ring and they start fighting in the audience, and Orton gets counted out because of the distraction.

After the ref rings the bell he RKO's Gabriel and then unloads on Sheamus with a chair until referees come out and make him leave the area. Orton turns around and runs around the ring to Sheamus and RKO's him as he gets up and pounds the announcer's table and he looks at the damage around the ring.

  • Skip Sheffield & David Otunga def. John Morrison & R-Truth

Morrison hits a side Russian leg sweep on Otunga and tags in Truth who hits a top rope leg drop for a near fall. Skip whips Truth into the corner then hits a front powerslam and tags in Otunga, but Truth hits a reverse STO to counter and both men on down on the mat. Morrison tags in and unloads on Skip and Otunga, but misses the blind tag by Skip and he gets hit with a hard lariat and Nexus wins another match.

  • Maryse, Jillian & Alicia Fox def. Gail Kim, Eve Torres & Melina

Maryse and Gail shove each other then Gail slams Maryse's head on the mat and hits a springboard crossbody block. Gail puts Maryse in the tree of woe and holds her while Melina leapfrogs her and hits Maryse in the face with her knees. Maryse uses a distraction by Alicia to take control, and she tags in Fox who knees Melina in the back of the head, but Melina hits a jawbreaker and tags out to Eve. Eve dropkicks Jillian and hits a scoop slam and a senton splash then it breaks open as all six women fight around the ring. Eve hits an elbow on Jillian and tries going up top, but Jillian cuts her off and slams Eve to the mat and picks up the win for her team.

Josh Mathews is in the back and introduces Edge, and he asks how important is was to beat Nexus last night. Edge says it wasn't surprising because he led the team and... he stops what he is saying when Heath Slater approaches him. Slater says they are scheduled to face each other and says maybe they can work something out, and says maybe Edge can just not show up. He says it wouldn't be that bad, and Edge says he normally might do that, but he doesn't want a forfeit against a ginger haired Edge wannabe and leaves. Slater gets upset and punches Edge and leaves him laying in the backstage area.

  • Heath Slater def. Edge

Edge runs at Slater and starts punching him, then kicks him on the mat in the corner. Edge whips him into the turnbuckle and hits a clothesline before he goes up top. Edge takes too long and Slater takes advantage and knocks Edge off the top the dropkicks him to the outside. Slater throws him into the barricade then gets him back in the ring and applies an armbar until Edge fights out, but Slater holds on and hits a reverse facebuster. Slater hits a back elbow off the ropes and gets a near fall, then runs at Edge in the corner but no one is home.

Edge takes control and gets a near fall then kicks Slater in the face, but Slater catches him off the ropes and hits a flapjack . Slater gets an irish whip reversed and Edge rams him shoulder into Slater in the corner, and goes for a baseball slide but Slater dodges it. Edge hits a big boot on the outside and sets up for a spear, but Slater rolls into the ring, and beats the ten count as Edge looks on shocked. Slater celebrates on the turnbuckle and then turns around into a spear by Edge after the bell.

Justin Long is backstage with The Great Khali and he mentions how Khali hasn't done the Kiss Cam in a while, because he liked it but he understands because he has a girlfriend now. Ranjin comes in and says she lives in India and Khali has never done a long distance relationship, and needs some help. Ranjin shows Justin a picture of her, and although we don't see it, she is ugly judging by the face Justin makes. Charlie and Jason come in and start laughing at the picture and says it's OK because he doesn't speak English and they'll handle it. They continue to make fun of the picture until they realize he might not speak English, but he can understand it and they run away terrified. He takes back the picture and says to Justin that it's alright, because she is butt ugly, and leaves with the Bella Twins as Justin looks surprised.

  • John Cena def. Darren Young

Nexus comes out to the stage to watch the match and Cena gets taken into a backslide pin by Young but he is able to kick out. Cena comes back with a side headlock and they get back up and lock up before Young applies a side headlock but runs into a shoulder block off the ropes. Cena goes back to a rest hold but gets side suplexed by Young, then he clotheslines Cena and goes for another pin attempt. Young continues to attack and hits another suplex and follows it with a swinging neckbreaker, but still can't put Cena away. He puts Cena in a rear headlock but Cena powers out and he punches Young but Young hits him with an elbow and some quick legdrops.

Young waits for Cena to get up, and hits a bridge suplex, but Cena kicks out and Young is getting frustrated. He throws Cena out of the ring and slams his head into the ring steps, then dropkicks the steps into Cena's head. Young gets in the ring to wait for the count and the ref gets to 9 as Cena jumps in the ring and Young can't believe it. Young goes for a legdrop but Cena moves, and he gets up and punches Young in the ribs then hits a shoulderblock and and side sitout slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle then sets up for the Attitude Adjustment, but Young fights out only for Cena to lock on the STF and Young taps out.

After the bell Nexus runs to the ring and they get on the apron, but they allow John Cena to leave unharmed. They get in the ring and surround Darren Young and they wait for him to get up before they attack him. They hold him up for Skip and he hits a spear and then Barrett picks him up and hits him with the Wasteland. Barrett drags him to the corner and Gabriel goes up top, then hits the 450 splash and they leave Young lying in the ring.

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