Monday, August 16, 2010

Results: Summerslam 2010: Randy Orton def. WWE Champion Sheamus by DQ

WWE Summerslam 2010: WWE Champion
Randy Orton def. Sheamus 
Bell rings and match begins. Early in the match Sheamus is able to get Orton backed into a corner. Sheamus has the early lead but with an arrogant chest pound the match quickly turns around as Orton gets the upper hand. Orton continuously takes Shameaus back down with clothes lines and foot stomps. Sheamus gets out of the ring but Orton follows him out and puts him through the announcers table. Orton beats Sheamus back into the ring before the 10 count. Orton stomps Sheamus for a little while but Sheamus rolls out of the ring to safety with Orton following closely behind. Sheamus slams Orton into a barracade. Sheamus tries once again to throw Orton through the barricade but Orton reverses and sends Sheamus shoulder first into the barricade. Sheamus goes for two covers to no avail, Orton kicking out by the count of two. Orton gets a back body drop on Sheamus but both men are down. Sheamus brings a chair into the ring with the ref grabbing it seconds before hitting Orton. Sheamus then fights the ref for the chair accidentally hitting the ref out of the ring. Ref calls for the bell, match ends. Outside of the ring Orton gets an RKO on Sheamus but the table doesn't break leaving Orton looking angry.

Winner via DQ: Randy Orton (but still champion, Sheamus)

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