Monday, August 16, 2010

Results: Summerslam 2010: World Heavyweight Championship: Kane vs. Rey Mysterio


WWE Summerslam 2010: WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Kane vs. Rey Mysterio: no contest
A recap of the events leading up to the match plays on the screen. Mysterio's music hits as Mysterio comes down to the ring. Out next is Kane as his music and pyro hits the stadium, Kane is pushing a casket. Kane enters the ring, bell rings, match begins. Kane goes after Mysterio, Mysterio quickly kicks Kane in the leg, moving away. Kane gets Mysterio in the corner and begins pounding on him. Kane throws Mysterio out of the ring, Mysterio landing on his feet. Mysterio gets back in the ring, Kane attempting to follow him back in the ring, Mysterio slide kicks Kane knocking him to the floor. Both men make their way back into the ring, Kane attempting to pin Mysterio with a two-count.

Match continues with Mysterio able to get out of Kane's bear hug. Rey is able to fight off Kane, with two failed attempts at a 619. Mid-match now as Kane grabs a mic, telling Mysterio that he had vowed to make Mysterio pay for hurting Kane's brother. Mysterio opens the casket next to the ring, no one inside. After Kane attacks Mysterio by the casket, once again Mysterio opens the casket and Undertaker appears. Kane looks dumbfounded at Undertaker as he sits up in the casket. Undertaker enters the ring with a confused Kane pointing at Mysterio. Undertaker walks up to Mysterio asking why Mysterio did it. Mysterio explains briefly with Undertaker saying he believes him before choking him and lifting him into the air. Undertaker puts Mysterio back on his feet and looks to Kane. Undertaker points at Kane and both grab each other around the neck. Kane overpowers Undertaker getting him with a tombstone pile driver. Undertaker laying lifelessly as Kane's pyro and music hits, we see Kane starring down at his brother.

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