Sunday, February 6, 2011

From a fan...

The information below is from a fan who wanted
 to make sure that Andy got it. 
Disclaimer: In NO way does 'Andy Whitfield's Unofficial Fan site'
endorse this natural health treatment or the information
detailed below. This post is only intended as informative and nothing

I'm writing you because I feel you might have a better chance to get
this info to the actor Andy Whitefield or someone close to him, than I
I'm a recent fan of the Spartacus and was moved by the actors
performance. When I heard of his cancer I had the same reaction I get
whenever I hear anyone is sicken with the illness. I do whatever I can
to tell them about these natural health treatments that completely rid
the person of cancer, I was also excited by the thought that if this
news gets to him in time it will be a huge vehicle to spread this life
saving news to the world.

I'm not a health practitioner or salesman of any sort i'm just a fan
of his who has struggled half of my life with health problems and have
became aware of an entire world of alternative health concept that
much of the world is kept in the dark about.

I will tell you of these phenomena and if you are convinced of their
efficacy please pass the message along, although I would like remain
anonymous, because my health issues havn't been solved yet and putting
drawing too much attention to myself in the united states right now
would put my own treatment at risk.

There is a currently a cancer protocol spreading around the world,
albeit slowly involving a concentrated marijuana extract. I may have
been skeptical of this had I not heard about it by my neighbor who
happens to be an Israeli surgeon, who is currently working along with
the american college of physicians, a group of over 100,000 american
medical Dr's. to help this treatment gain legitimacy.

I was told to watch this video which explains the protocol and
how it came about.
In watching the video and realizing the people in it are neither
hippies or the average marijuana proponents rather farmers who have
just been stricken with cancer but now cured. I was even more less

After watching 10 people in my own community try the and have
their cancer taken under complete control and cured I no longer have
any more skepticism and do what I can to spread the message.

The second treatment protocol involves a supplement much easier to
obtain. Please watch this video as an explanation to it. It mostly
touches on vitamin C treatments however the most important part of the
protocol is the delivery method involving liposomes. He doesn't touch
on it until the end video livon labs is the leader in the field if
your interested

Please write me back if you have any questions, I hope the info takes
hold if not for the actors benefit maybe this info will come in handy
at some point in your life."
~Fan of Andy Whitfield

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