Thursday, May 20, 2010

Jim Ross : His Future | MCMG | Big Show's Tour Bus

The following are some excerpts from the latest online blog of WWE Hall Of Fame announcer Jim Ross:

Jim Ross on his future: "We're having an interesting week on the professional front. Not much more I can say than that but multiple things are in motion and somewhere soon I want to fish or cut bait. I apologize if this insane ordeal seems to be dragging on endlessly but I am in a very unique position not only as it relates to opportunities outside my usual areas of expertise but the option to not do any thing full time and work on the book and make a few appearances which has been suggested to me by those close to the situation...

"I will likely never been in this exact situation ever again so I am going to make sure that what ever decision that I do make is the one that makes me happiest and is best for my family. Thanks to practicing what I preached for years to wrestlers, our financial planner has us in a position that we can retire now and be just fine. The problem with that is that I love to work and stay engaged in projects and there are many more things that I want to accomplish plus I love a challenge. And hell, I'm only 58...the 'new' 40!"

Jim Ross on the Motor City Machine Guns tag-team: "Yes...I do like the Motor City Machine Guns and feel that they would be more effective if 1. I got to know who in the hell they are and 2. slow down a step or two. I love their energy and youth."

Jim Ross on Big Show's tour bus: "Speaking of Guest Hosts...old Buzz Aldrin might have spend too much time on Big Show's tour bus in Toronto as Show's bus used to be Toby Keith's and is customized with beer, bourbon and vodka on tap the last time that I was invited on board. Buzz' verbal moment with Zach Ryder was DeNiro/Pacino-esque. Riveting TV. I actually laughed out loud at that segment."

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