Sunday, May 23, 2010

Results of WWE Over The Limit 2010 | Randy Orton vs. Edge | Double Countout

A video package airs highlighting the Randy Orton-Edge history now. Orton comes out to a really big pop. Orton has Edge down early and is doing the Ronnie Garvin stomps all over his body. Orton with a slingshot on Edge under the bottom rope. Both guys are on the floor now and Edge regains control of the offense by tossing Orton into the ringside barricade. Edge throws Orton back in the ring. Edge suplexes Orton across the top rope. Edge goes to the top rope but Orton stops him. Orton climbs up. Edge throws Orton to the mat hard. Orton quickly crotches Edge on the ropes after getting back to his feet. Orton suplerplexes Edge off the top. Orton with a quick powerslam on Edge for a two count. Orton hits the DDT with Edge draped across the middle rope. He tries a pin but only gets two. Edge goes for a spear but Orton hits him with a kick instead. Orton setting up for the RKO, looks at his injured arm. Orton kicks Edge out to the floor. The ref checks on Orton as edge sells on the floor. Edge beats on Orton before attempting a spear. Orton moves and Edge crashes into the barricade. The referee counts to ten and both men are counted out.

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