Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Results of WWE.Monday.Night.Raw.17.05.2010 / 2010.05.17 / 05.17.2010

1. The show starts with Bret Hart coming to the ring. He says he can’t believe what he saw when he was watching Raw last week and The Miz challenged him to a match for the US title. Bret says that he doesn’t want to hang on in his old age like so many wrestlers do. Bret says that he won’t be wrestling tonight. Chris Jericho now comes down to the ring. Jericho asks Bret “why ?” Why did Bret come back to the WWE. Jericho says that Bret is just a shell of his former self. He says that Bret is a has been who is tarnishing his legacy. Jericho says that Bret is the ultimate hypocrite. Jericho says that Bret deserved to be screwed in Montreal. Bret says that Jericho is the real phony. He says that it took his family hours just to teach Jericho how to do a headlock. Jericho says that he is better than Bret ever was. Jericho says that he is the only person in the locker room that matters. Jericho says that no one wants Bret here anymore. The crowd starts chanting “We Want Bret”. Jericho says that everyone will remember that Bret came back and was too scared to face The Miz. Jericho says that Bret’s father would be ashamed of him. Bret tells Jericho to tell Miz to lace up his boots for their match tonight. Jericho offers Bret the chance to make this match a no DQ match. Bret says that he wouldn’t want it any other way. Bret says that he will win the US title tonight and at Over the Limit, The Hart Dynasty will successfully defend their tag titles against Jericho and Miz. It is announced that Edge and Randy Orton will be allowed to pick each others opponents tonight.

* Edge def. Christian

– Christian backs Edge into the corner, but Edge forces the break by holding onto the ropes. Edge starts with an arm bar, but Christian counters with a shoulder block. Edge gets up and slaps Christian in the face. Edge then runs outside the ring as Christian gives chase. Edge rolls back in the ring and attacks Christian as he tries to do the same. Christian counters and slaps Edge in the face twice. Christian knocks Edge out of the ring and leaps off the top rope onto the outside. Edge is laying against the guardrail as Christian runs toward him, but Edge gets out of the way and Christian hit’s the wall. Christian is just barely able to return to the ring before the ref counts him out. Edge knocks him back down with a shoulder block. Edge now stomps on Christian while he is down and begins to work on his arm. Edge runs into the turnbuckle but manages to block a kick attempt by Christian. Christian fights back with a few right hands and climbs to the top rope to hit’s a tornado DDT. Christian hits Edge with a flying forearm and a flapjack. Christian now hits Edge with a missile dropkick for a near fall. Christian goes for the Kill Switch, but Edge counters into a back suplex attempt only to be reversed again. Christian climbs to the top rope again, but misses his target. Edge then hits Christian with a DDT for a near fall. Christian rolls up Edge for another near fall. Edge sets up for a spear, but Christian counters and gets a sunset flip for another near fall. Edge counters and knock Christian and sets up for the spear again. Christian side steps it and hit’s a flying elbow on Edge. Christian sets up for the Kill Switch again, but Edge counters and throws Christian into the turnbuckle. When Christian turns around, Edge hits him with a spear to get the win. B Pretty good match but I think they reversed each others finishing moves a few times too many. Randy Orton now appears on the screen. Orton tells Edge that was a great match, but he doesn’t know what Christian was doing out there because that is not who he chose to face Edge tonight. The lights dim and we hear a bell ring as The Undertaker now comes out to the ring. Edge reluctantly gets back in the ring. As soon as the bell rings to start the match, Edge leaves the ring and gets himself counted out. Christian comes behind Edge and throws him back in the ring and The Undertaker delivers a chokeslam to Edge and leaves the ring.
– We go backstage to see that Maryse Ouellet is reading a magazine with Trish Stratus on the cover and talking to the woman who is applying her makeup. Eve now comes up behind her and tells the makeup lady to leave and pours powder on Maryse. The two fight until two referees break them up. We now see tonight’s guest host Buzz Aldrin talking to his wife as Vickie Guerrero comes in and asks him what he is doing in her office. Buzz says that this is no longer her office because she resigned last week and her permanent replacement will be here next week. Buzz now calls in the Bella Twins to escort Vickie out. Mark Henry comes out to the ring for his match, but before he gets to the ring, Batista runs in behind him and hits him with a 2×4 and throws him into the ring post and the steel steps. Batista steps on Mark Henry as Henry is laying unconscious on the steps.
Ted DiBiase comes out to the ring and he is accompanied by Virgil. The actual Virgil.

* Ted DiBiase VS Yoshi Tatsu

– DiBiase takes down Yoshi to start the match. Yoshi counters into an armbar, but DiBiase backs him into the corner to force the break. Yoshi tries to flip over DiBiase, but DiBiase catches him and hit’s a face buster for a near fall. DiBiase now puts Yoshi in a chin lock. Yoshi fights out as DiBiase runs into an elbow and Yoshi hits him with a heel kick. Yoshi hit’s a series of kicks and knees on DiBiase for a near fall. Yoshi goes for a spin kick, but DiBiase ducks and hits Yoshi with Dream Street for the win. C- Not a terrible match, but it was too short for a match between two young up and comers with as much talent as they have. DiBiase says that Virgil will be in his corner for his match against R-Truth at Over the Limit. DiBiase says that if he can’t buy it, he’ll beat it.

* Bret Hart def. United States Champion The Miz

– As soon as the bell rings, Miz goes outside the ring and grabs the microphone. Miz tells Bret that he doesn’t trust him and that he paid a few guys to take care of the Hart Dynasty if they try to get involved in the match. William Regal and Vladimir Kozlov come down to the ring and The Hart Dynasty jump out from the crowd to attack them. Chris Jericho now comes into the ring as he and Miz prepare to double team Bret. Natalya jumps in the ring to help Bret. Jericho tells Natalya to get out of the ring, but she slaps him instead. Jericho knocks her down and he and Miz knock Bret down as well. DH Smith jumps in and takes out Jericho leaving Bret and Miz alone in the ring. Miz tries to put Bret in his own sharpshooter, but Tyson Kidd hits him with a dropkick. Kidd and Smith hit the Hart Attack on Miz and Bret puts him in the sharpshooter which forces him to tap out as Bret wins the US title. C It was a bit of a jumbled mess rather than an actual match since Bret didn’t actually do anything other than put Miz in the sharpshooter. Michelle McCool and Layla now come to the ring. Both of them are wearing a Woman’s title belt.

* Michelle McCool , Layla and Maryse def. Eve Torres ,The Bella Twins

– Layla and Eve start. Layla puts Eve in a headlock and follows with a shoulder block and a kick for a near fall. Layla hit’s a knee on Eve, but Eve counters into a neck breaker. Bre Bella tags in and hit’s a forearm on Layla, but is attacked by McCool outside the ring. McCool tags in and stomps on Bre while she is down. Layla tags back in and misses a leg drop. McCool and Nikki Bella tag in. Nikki hit’s a series of clotheslines and dropkicks on McCool followed by a monkey flip and a neck breaker. Nikki now knocks Maryse off of the apron. Maryse tags in and hit’s the French Kiss on Nikki for the win. D+ Layla did all she could for this match, but the crowd was dead the entire time. However, this was the first time that I have liked what Layla has done in the ring. We now go to John Cena backstage with Josh Matthews. Cena says that tonight he will take Sheamus out so that he will not be a factor in his match with Batista at Over the Limit.

* Randy Orton VS Jack Swagger

– Swagger takes Orton down to start the match. Swagger tries to take him down again, but Orton counters into a takedown of his own. Swagger delivers a series of shoulder blocks in the corner, but Orton fights out and hit’s his modified back breaker on Swagger. Orton now begins to do his around the world stomps on Swagger. Orton tries to hit a falling knee on Swagger, but Swagger rolls out of the way and starts doing pushups. Swagger now puts Orton in a chin lock. Orton fights out and Swagger runs into an elbow from Orton. Orton throws Swagger into the ropes, but Swagger holds onto the ropes and leaves the ring. Orton tries to hit Swagger with his DDT in the ropes, but Swagger counters and hit’s a series of Vader Bombs on Orton. Orton rolls outside the ring as the ref begins to count. Orton tries to reenter the ring, but Swagger knocks him off the apron and into the announce table. Swagger goes out after him and rams his back into the ring. Swagger rolls him back in and gets a near fall. Swagger now puts Orton in a chin lock. Orton tries to fight out, but Swagger hits him with a belly to belly suplex. Swagger runs at Orton, but Orton hits him with a big boot to the face followed by a scoop slam. Orton hits his DDT in the ropes and sets up for the RKO. Edge now runs in, but Orton sees him coming and attacks him first. Swagger gets up to help Edge but gets an RKO instead. As Orton turns around, Edge hits him with a spear. C+ This match was a little slow, but it did a good job of setting up the Orton/Edge match at Over the Limit.
Buzz Aldrin now comes out to the ring. Buzz is rambling in an almost incoherent way and waving his arm all around like an air traffic controller. Zack Ryder and Alycia Fox come out to the ring and interrupt him. Zack says that Canada doesn’t even have a space program. Zack says he would rather be homeless and live in America than live in a mansion in Canada. He tells Buzz that he thinks that the moon landing was fake. Buzz now show the video of the last guy who claimed that his moon landing was fake. Buzz says that he won’t punch him, he will let Evan Bourne and Gail Kim do that.

* Evan Bourne and Gail Kim def Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox

– Ryder and Bourne start. Ryder gets the advantage and hits Bourne in the corner, but Bourne counters and rolls up Ryder for a near fall. Bourne delivers a series of kicks to Ryder and gets another near fall. Alycia runs in only to be clotheslined by Gail. Gail hit’s a missile dropkick on Alycia, but pulls Gail out of the ring to stop a pin. He rolls Gail back in and Alycia gets a near fall. Bourne and Ryder tag back in and Bourne hit’s a series of kicks on Ryder. Ryder counters with an elbow, but Bourne counters again and climbs to the top rope. Alycia runs in and rolls Ryder out of the ring, but Bourne just jumps on him outside the ring instead. Gail comes in and rolls up Alycia for the win. B- Surprisingly good for a mixed tag match. It was fast paced with plenty of action. Buzz comes in the ring to celebrate with Bourne and Gail. Buzz tries to do a moonwalk in the ring, but it looks ridiculous.

* John Cena VS Sheamus

– Sheamus starts hammering Cena in the corner and stomping him while he is down. Cena counters and throw Sheamus outside the ring. Cena throw Sheamus into the steel steps twice and rolls back in the ring to break the count. Cena rolls back out and Sheamus throws him into the guard rail. Sheamus rolls Cena back in the ring and gets a near fall. Sheamus hits Cena with a series of uppercuts and throws him headfirst into the turnbuckle. Sheamus tries for a suplex, but Cena reverses it into a suplex of his own. Cena then throws Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post and Sheamus falls outside the ring. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Sheamus counters and hit’s a spinebuster for a near fall. Cena counters again and hit’s a side slam on Sheamus followed by a series of right hands. Cena runs into an elbow by Sheamus and Sheamus follows it with a knee to the face knocking Cena out of the ring. Cena tries to reenter the ring, but Sheamus knocks him off the apron every time. Cena dodges another kick from Sheamus and hammers him in the corner. Cena goes for a bulldog, but Sheamus counters and knocks Cena outside the ring again. Sheamus goes after him and rams his head into the announce table. Sheamus rolls Cena back in the ring and gets another near fall. Sheamus continues to hammer Cena while he is down. Cena counters and hit’s a flying shoulder block on Sheamus followed by the five knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Batista runs in and hit’s a spinebuster on Cena. C Again, it wasn’t a bad match but the action was kind of slow. Batista then picks Cena up and hits another spinebuster on Cena followed by a third spinebuster and finally puts Cena into a submission move. Batista yells for Cena to say “I quit” but he doesn’t as the show ends while Batista is still holding Cena in the submission move.
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Source : www.wwe-tour.blogspot.com

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