Sunday, May 23, 2010

Results of WWE Over The Limit 2010 | Big Show def. Jack Swagger

A video package airs highlighting the Jack Swagger - Big Show history. Our World Championship match is up next in over the limit. Swagger comes out to what seemed like a non-reaction from the fans in Detroit. Big Show didn't exactly cause a riot either. Could be a bad sign for heat in this match. Swagger using his amateur moves to try and get Big Show off his feet but Show avoids. Show picks up Swagger for a chokeslam but Swagger works his way out and slides to the floor. Swagger sneakily clotheslines Show out to the floor. Swagger goes out after Big Show on the floor and takes out his knee hitting Show with a chopblock from behind. Swagger and Show back in the ring now, as Swagger tries a few pin attempts. No dice on any of them. Out of nowhere, Swagger uses his Championship belt as a weapon on Show and the referee calls for the match. Jack Swagger is disqualified.

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