Sunday, May 23, 2010

Results of WWE Over The Limit 2010 | Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty def. The Miz and Chris Jericho

The Unified Tag-Title match is up now. Natalya is at ringside with The Hart Dynasty. Tyson Kidd and The Miz are starting things off for each team. Kidd takes the early advantage. Quick tag to Smith, who hits his delayed vertical suplex, ala British Bulldog. Smith press-slams Tyson Kidd onto Miz and Chris Jericho on the floor. Crowd popped for that. Jericho slows things down with a cheap shot and tags Miz back in. Miz goes to work some more on Smith. Smith hits an Electric Chair on Miz to slow things down. Both guys make tags. Kidd hits a number of dropkicks on Jericho. Kidd tries a huricanrana but Jericho reverses it into the Walls Of Jericho. Kidd grabs the ropes to break the hold. Kidd tries a springboard off the top but Jericho reverses that into The Codebreaker. He's late in trying a pin attempt, so he only gets two. Smith tags in and hits a belly to belly release suplex. He follows up with a powerslam. Miz hits a jumping clothesline out of the corner on Smith, but Smith holds onto him and sets him up for the Hart Attack. Kidd tags in and hits the Hart Attack for the pinfall and the victory.

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