Monday, May 10, 2010

Results Of WWE Monday Night Raw 10.05.2010 / 2010.05.10 / 05.10.2010

Randy Orton's music hits as The Viper makes his way down to the ring. He starts by calling out Edge and addressing his offer from last week. Orton didn't join Edge last week because Orton knows Edge, and Edge just wanted to control Orton. He is interrupted by Meat Loaf! ... (err what?) Meat Loaf comes out saying he has a song that should be Orton's new theme song. Orton says sure let's hear some of it. Loaf sings a few bars before Orton walks away and Loaf tries to keep his attention but the fans keep booing his attempts. Orton paces the ring with that crazy look in his eyes and finally delivers the RKO to Meat Loaf. Edge's music plays now and he stands on the stage observing Orton.

Edge says Orton doesn't like celebrities and says he agrees and brings up Orton's past attacks on guest hosts. Edge says he contacted WWE Global and guest hosts will no longer have power. Edge says that wasn't enough, and says there will be a new permanent general manager and introduces.... EXCUSE ME! Vickie Guerrero as the new GM of Raw. Vickie out to some huge heat and says despite her relationship with Edge she will be professional. She says Orton attacking celebrities is not acceptable and he will be reprimanded. She informs Orton that he will take on Edge and a mystery partner in a handicap match later tonight and leaves with her ex-husband.

Backstage we see Chris Jericho and The Miz walking backstage discussing something. Cole informs the audience that the next match will effect the Unified Tag Team Championship.

    * David Hart Smith vs Chris Jericho(If Chris Jericho Wins He and the Miz get a shot at the Unified Tag Team Titles)

Jericho slaps Smith and Smith like this by punching Jericho and hitting him with a big boot and an extended suplex. Jericho retaliates by keeping Smith grounded with kicks and headlocks. Smith tries a comeback with a scoop slam but only gets a two count .Jericho misses the lionsault and Smith locks in the Sharpshooter and Jericho grabs the ropes to release the hold. Jericho pokes Smith in the eyes and hits the Codebreaker for the win and he and The Miz will get a title shot at Over The Limit against the Hart Dynasty.

Winner - Chris Jericho

Bakcstage Edge is talking to Batista, and it looks like he is trying to get Batista to be his partner against Orton tonight.

Yeeeeeeeah Boy! R-Truth and Flavor Flav come out rapping Truth's theme as William Regal paces around ringside. Truth runs down Flav's accomplishments and Flav gets the crowd to yell FLAVOR FLAV before he talks about his new show and he tells the crowd to make noise for R-Truth.

    * William Regal vs R-Truth

Truth hits a side kick on Regal and that's about all he does as the newly reunited Colons hit the ring and take out Truth with a choke and Backstabber. They leave the ring and meet Ted DiBiase on the ramp and he shakes both of their hands and gives them a payment for their services.

Winner by Disqualification - R-Truth

We see footage from earlier today as Maryse is practicing with a karate instructor and he tries to explain that she isn't getting his lessons. She speaks in French and then takes out his leg and leaves the ring.

Josh Matthews joins Randy Orton in his locker room and Orton says he's not worried about Edge's partner and says he hopes Vickie Guerreo is at ringside so he can give her a night she will never forget.

Zack Ryder... WOO WOO WOO... is on Raw and says the last great moment in the Igloo will be his first win on Raw... you know it.

    * Zack Ryder vs Evan Bourne

Ryder kicks away at Bourne on the ground but Bourne hits a elbow in the corner and quickly goes up top. He is cut off by Ryder who hits the Ruff Ryder for a near fall. Bourne fights back with a knee to the jaw and goes for the Shooting Star Press. Alicia Fox jumps up and tries to knock Bourne down but Gail Kim stops her and he connects with the SSP to get the win. After the match he escorts Gail Kim backstage and celebrates his win.

Winner - Evan Bourne

Next, we get some footage of last week's Cena/Wade Barrett match. After Cena wins he attempts to announce the stipulation to his match with Batista, but is blindsided by Sheamus. Next up live will be Cena announcing the stipulation to the match as we go to commercial.

Cena comes out to cheers but when his music stops it turns to a mix of cheers and boos. He starts his promo by thanking Sheamus for letting him think about Batista and Over The Limit. He says eventhough his victory at Extreme Rules was creative, some people called him a coward. He says he will prove it wrong and says the match at Over The Limit will be very brutal, and it will be the last time Cena faces Batista for the title. Cena says even if Batista wins, he will forfeit his rematch clause, and the match will be... an I Quit Match! Cena says he owes this all to Sheamus, because he would've rushed his decision if Sheamus didn't attack him, and calls Sheamus out to the ring.

Sheamus says if he comes to the ring, he'll make sure Cena doesn't make it to Over The Limit. Sheamus asks again if Cena wants him to come to the ring. Cena takes off his gear and Sheamus says that will cost him the WWE Title and runs to the ring. Batista comes in behind Cena and teams up with Sheamus to attack him, and Batista drives Cena back-first into the ringpost. Batista rolls Cena back into the ring where he meets the big boot from Sheamus and a Batista Bomb. Mark Henry runs out for the save and sends Batista retreating up the ramp. Henry checks on Cena as we go backstage and find Vickie Guerrero with Edge. Edge tells her he found a partner and then he brings up the mean things he said about her. He says he did it to get her sympathy and kisses up to her a little bit and says they can be friends. He wants her to be ringside for the match but she is reluctant. He says nothing will happen to her and says if he tries anything she can fire him on the spot. Vickie finally agrees and smiles as Edge walks out of her office.

    * Tyson Kidd vs The Miz(If Tyson Kidd wins, a member of the Hart Dynasty gets a US Title Shot next week on Raw)

Miz goes right after Kidd with stiff shots to the back and sends Kidd outside to the floor. Miz goes to bring Kidd back in but Kidd hits him in the midsection and gets a floatover shoulder rollthrough/rollup for the surprise win. After the Harts celebrate, Miz asks him if he actually thinks he won something. Miz stresses the stipulation that he gets to pick who he faces next week and it's not any of the Harts and ringside. He says next week, The Miz will defend the US Title against Bret "The Hitman" Hart!

Winner - Tyson Kidd

Backstage, Josh Matthews catches up with Batista and says he has a match with Mark Henry. Batista asks Josh if he heard about the I Quit match. He says he won't make Cena say 'I Quit'' he's going to make him scream it.

Winner - Tyson Kidd

    * 8 on 4 Handicap Match (NXT Rookies vs WWE Superstars)John Morrison, Yoshi Tatsu, Goldust ; Santino Marella vs NXT Rookies

Goldust hits an atomic drop on Goldust and tags in Yoshi. Yoshi hits some offense on Gabriel, but Gabriel hits a spin kick on Yoshi and tags in David Otunga. Otunga hits a shoulder block for two and tags in Heath Slater. Slater quickly gets taken down by John Morrison, who takes out 3 of the rookies and goes for Starship Pain, but Slater gets his knees up. Morrison tags in Santino, who walks right into a rollup by Daniel Bryan, and Bryan gets his first win in the WWE.

Winners - NXT Rookies

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